Marvel at the absurdity of Allure of the Seas - the largest cruise ship ever. I realize that thousands and thousands of people will enjoy wonderful vacations aboard this ship, but I can't help viewing this thing as a monument to crass indulgence.
In our future post-apocalyptic world, many people won't believe the legend of these massive floating cities, filled with joyful people travelling to and from distant tropical islands for no apparent reason - and eating all the way.
It wasn't exactly 33 guys united through hope. A lifetime's worth of good and bad human interaction, introspection, despair and bravery - crammed into 2 months. Some understandably rough stuff happened down there.
I make a point of not being negative here, but how does this piece of journalism get through an editor? The story boils down to: musician Evan Dando's apartment is messy.
I've been thinking that Facebook's new "Groups" feature promotes a kind of clique approach to "Friends", which follows a path that leads to Facebook potentially acting as nothing more than a bloated email program with photo galleries.